WARNING: Support for Silex v2 has stopped.
Try Silex v3 alpha, Read about it,
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Community, Collaboration,
Creative power


Silex is a free website builder,
as in #freedom and #FreeSpeech.

Here is a page about us,
you, me, the community.

Common and participate or just follow our adventure,
contribute to our communication or documentation or code,
vote for the features you want.

Keep in touch, let's talk

Get in touch on the official forum and the community chat (you will need a Github account)

Subscribe to our YouTube channel

Subscribe to Silex newsletter (1 email per year)

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Donate to our non profit organization and help us keep the lights on

Share knowledge

If you're talking about Silex in public, let us know and we will advertise the event!

Here are questions which are flagged as easy ones and here is the collaborative documentation.

Feel free to create Tutorials or host a local Silex meetup or online demo, we will help advertise those.

Become a beta tester

Here is Silex staging server, where the next version is being developed.

We always need more testers, so that the next version will not break people websites. The key skill of a tester is not only to find bugs, it’s to report reproducible problems.

Host an instance of Silex

We have more and more people using the online version of Silex. You can host an instance of Silex on your own server or on node.js. If you do so, and plan to maintain your server long term, Silex Labs organization will be happy advertise your Silex instance.

Partners, agencies and hosting companies

Internet 2000 web agency

Follow us, join the community !

Silex is free and open source because free minds need to have free tools