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Silex website builder
public self hosted instances

Free or paid services by the community for the community

Anyone can host an instance of Silex

Give back to the community or create a service built on top of Silex. Here are the instances we know about. Feel free to contact us and submit your own.

Here is how to self host Silex and how to use Silex in your project or with your infrastructure.

Official Silex instance by @silexlabs

This is the official instance of Silex, hosted since 2009 by Silex Labs organization. Forever free to use.

Stastic designer by @lexoyo

Visually design Jekyll and 11ty layouts. This is intended to designers creating content multilingual websites. Stastic has a Forestry integration out of the box.

This is a work in progress, it is meant to evolve to a universal template editor based on Silex open source website builder. Help wanted to add more SSG and headless CMS.

This Silex instance is hosted by Internet 2000 web agency and open to anyone for free.

Submit your own instance of Silex

Your can host a vanilla Silex instance, or an instance with your custom hacks. For example you can add components or provide hosting for users websites, customize the look or the feel ;)

Make it public, for free or for a fee, and let us advertise it here.

Silex for professionals

Freelancers, agencies, hosting companies, Silex is the best at being customized, white labeled and integrated to your infrastructure

More about freedom

Silex is free and open source because free minds need to have free tools

Follow us, join the community !

Silex is free and open source because free minds need to have free tools